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Phil Everly RIP, Springsteen, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, Wind-Up Pug   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, January 06, 2014 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


PHIL EVERLY, whose hits with his older brother, Don, as the Everly Brothers were models to generations of rock vocal harmonies for the Beatles, Linda Ronstadt, Simon and Garfunkel and many others, died Friday from complications of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He was 75. In 2013, younger musicians released two albums of Everly Brothers songs: What the Brothers Sang by Dawn McCarthy and Bonnie Prince Billy (the indie rocker Will Oldham), and Foreverly by Norah Jones and Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, a remake of every song on Songs Our Daddy Taught Us. Don released a statement, of course. Tributes poured in, including tweets from the accounts of Brian Wilson and Johnny Ramone.  The Rolling Stone obit is also pretty good, as is this essay at the L.A. Times.  The Everlys' hits included "Bye Bye Love," "Wake Up, Little Susie," "All I Have to Do is Dream," "Gone Gone Gone," "When Will I Be Loved," "'Til Kissed You," "Love Hurts," and "Bowling Green," which was their last time on the Billboard Hot 100 for many years to come.

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN is advance streaming High Hopes.

SHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGS advance stream Give the People What They Want. Oh, yes.

DAMIEN JURADO is advance streaming Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son.

ROSEANNE CASH advance streams The River & The Thread.

THE PIXIES drop EP-2, available exclusively through the band. Plus, a video at the link.

BRITT DANIEL: The Spoon frontman covers Shelley Fabares' "Love Letters."

R.E.M.: Michael Stipe just had a birthday, and given the other news of the weekend, I picked "All I Have to Do Is Dream" from Athens, GA - Inside/Out, a soundtrack I played on the radio at the time.

PAUL SIMON: "All of the hits I had were pretty oddball."

ARCADE FIRE: Rainn Wilson interviews Win Butler in the back of a van.

NOTABLE UPCOMING LPs of 2014, according to All Things Considered.

SAUL ZAENTZ, who parlayed a successful career in the music business (Including tormenting CCR frontman John Fogerty) into a Oscar-winning second act as an independent movie producer, died Friday at his home in the San Francisco area from complications of Alzheimer's.

WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: Frozen climbs back to the top of the chart with 20.7 million, in a phenomenally leggy performance. It now has a 297.8 million domestic box office, and will likely dethrone The Lion King (312.9 million) as Disney's biggest-grossing, non-Pixar animated first run. Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones places with 18 million against a 5 million budget for what is more a spinoff than sequel. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug shows with 16.3 million, on a sizable 44 percent drop roughly matching the trajectory of the first Hobbit installment and thus decreasing the odds this one will clear a billion worldwide.  Competing for the same demographic, The Wolf of Wall Street (13.4 million) looks to edge American Hustle (13.2 million) for the fourth slot, though this could change when estimates become actuals.The difference is that American Hustle cost much less (40 million) to produce than the Wolf (100 million), and is thus more likely to reap profits, even after creative accounting.  Below the fold, Anchorman 2 and Saving Mr Banks continued to do strong biz. Walter Mitty struggles, but may get bailed out overseas, where it's playing pretty well.

KE$HA has gone to rehab for an eating disorder.

MILA KUNIS & ASHTON KUTCHER obliged Kiss-Cam at a Lakers game.

JUSTIN BIEBER & SELENA GOMEZ, together again... on Segways.

PAUL WALKER will appear in the next Fast & Furious, a franchise planned to continue after his death.

LACEY CHABERT tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend. That is so fetch.

THE YOUNG & RESTLESS: Michael Muhney was fired last month after one of his co-stars complained of groping incidents.

THE WORLD'S LOSERS of 2013, according to Walter Russell Mead.

EGYPT: The government said it planned to confront the Muslim Brotherhood with "full force."

IRAQ: The Iraqi army shelled Falluja on Saturday in an effort to clear out al Qaeda-linked fighters amid dueling claims by the terror group and government forces about just who was in control of the flashpoint city in the Anbar province. Secretary of State Kerry said the US is not contemplating sending troops to Iraq to fight al Qaeda, and added that although the US could help Iraq, the fight was Iraq's.

POWER VACUUM: The bloodshed that has engulfed Iraq, Lebanon and Syria in the past two weeks exposes something new and destabilizing: the emergence of a post-American Middle East in which no broker has the power, or the will, to contain the region's sectarian hatreds.

A WIND-UP PUG, courtesy of America's Funniest Videos.

SHARKS tracked by Twitter. Gonna need a bigger social network.

LION ON THE LAM nabbed in Florida.

DEAD GOLDFISH blamed for a late tax return. Good luck with that.

2822 Reads

The Pretenders, The National, Grant Hart, Yo La Tengo, Cutout Bin, Wild Turkey   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Friday, January 03, 2014 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl



....wtih THE PRETENDERS! Circa 1981, via one of Pate's two fab drummers, Jon Hahn.  Your setlist includes "The Wait," "The Adultress," "Message of Love/Louie Louie," "Talk of the Town," "English Roses," "Birds of Paradise," "Kid," "Stop Your Sobbing," "Private Life," "Day After Day," "Jealous Dogs, " Up the Neck," "Tattooed Love Boys," "Bad Boys Get Spanked," "Precious," and "Brass In Pocket/MysteryAchievement."

THE NATIONAL plays a set at the UBS Forum in this January-doldrums encore link.

GRANT HART stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set in this January-doldrums encore link.

TELEKINESIS stopped by KEXP in this January-doldrums encore link.

YO LA TENGO stopped by Morning Becomes Eclectic in this January-doldrums encore link.

BAY CITY ROLLERS: The immortal genius of "S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y... NIGHT!"

BOZ BOORER, Morrissey’s musical right-hand man, talks to Las Vegas Weekly. (Thx, LHB.)

THE CULT: Ian Astbury talks to Esquire, also about Morrissey, plus the death of the rock star, and more.

WHITE DENIM:  James Petralli talks to Drowned In Sound about fatherhood, Texas Music, and wanting recognition.


CUTOUT BIN: From Foxygen to the Rolling Stones, from Della Reese to Lloyd Cole, from the Costers to Wilco, plus the Walkmen, King Floyd, the Nerves, Sppon and more -- this Friday's fortuitous finds are streaming from the Pate page at the ol' HM.

NOW SHOWING: Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is this weekend's wide release, currently unscreened for critics. Shocka.

MILEY CYRUS furiously denies dissing Beyonce.

CAMERON DIAZ advises women on personal grooming, iykwimaittyd.

BRITNEY SPEARS put her boyfriend on a leash. Literally.

SHIA LaBEOUF aplogizes to Daniel Klowes for plagarism via skywriting...in the wrong city.

KATE WINSLET talks to Glamour UK about being a working mum, the perils of Hollywood and why she still thinks acting is scary.

THE BEST FILM SOUNDTRACK MOMENTS of 2013, according to Stereogum.

SYRIA: The Syrian National Coalition charged that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is linked to the Assad regime and serves its interests.

LEBANON: A car bombing in Beirut killed four people and wounded 77; a Hezbollah official said the attack took place just meters from the party's political council.

EGYPT: A tinderbox that could ignite with any spark, entirely derailing the political process and converting Egypt’s episodic tumult into severe instability. What might that spark be?

IRAQ: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham has taken over large areas of the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah; a police chief was killed during clashes in Ramadi.


DOGS apparently align themselves along the magnetic north-south axis before they defecate.

BEE THIEVES made off with a hibernating hive of 20 to 60 thousand.

WRIGLEY THE DOG reenacts classic movie scenes.

3236 Reads

Stephen Malkmus, Iron & Wine, Midlake, Nightmare Fuzzball   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, January 02, 2014 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


ELEANOR FRIEDBERGER dropped a video for "My Own World."

STEPHEN MALKMUS  & THE JICKS are advance streaming Wig Out at Jag Bags.

IRON & WINE, Calexico, Nick Lowe, Glen Hansard, Kathleen Edwards, Beth Orton and Amos Lee all played the Holiday Cheer for FUV concert.

MIDLAKE stooped by KUTX for a mini-set. 

JAKE BUGG stopped by Morning Becomes Eclectic for a session.

THE FLAMING LIPS cover The Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds."

BECK covers John Lennon's "Love."

NANCY SINATRA: "These Boots Are Made For Walking." Are you ready?

MATTHEW SWEET & SUSANNA HOFFS talk to the Wall Street Journal about their album of 80s covers.

QUEENs' Brian May has revealed how he has been undergoing "urgent" tests over fears he could have cancer.

THE POGUES' catalog will form the basis of a musical written by David Simon?

JIMI HENDRIX's old London flat is to become a permanent museum.

KALEY CUOCO tied the knot with Ryan Sweeting on Tuesday.

LEONARDO DiCAPRIO defended The Wolf of Wall Street from those who think it glamorizes Jordan Balfort.

DWAYNE WADE & GABRIELLE UNION may not have been on a break when he fathered another woman's child.

BRITNEY SPEARS has a near-total wardrobe malfunction.

MILEY CYRUS: Secret hookups with women?

AARON RODGERS: Gay rumors reurface; he's previously denied them.

JAMES AVERY, who played the beloved Uncle Phil on the hit 1990s sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” died Tuesday, his publicist confirmed.  He was 65.

THE UNITED STATES seeks a lengthy prison term for "Jihad Jane."

AL QAEDA is obsessed with documenting the most minute expenses.

LEBANON: An al Qaeda-affiliated emir was arrested in Beirut.

IRAN: American and European diplomats have identified several vital issues to be negotiated following the interim deal Iran reached over its nuclear program with the five permanent members of the United Nations and Germany in late November.

THE FUZZBALL is not what you think.

A BOA CONSTRICTOR came free with a second-hand sofa in Grand Rapids, MI.

A BEAR ATTACK in Seminole County, FL may have been "predatory."

CRUNCHY FROG: Away in a Pret-A-Manger.

2496 Reads

My whole life, I don't know what this song means.   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, December 31, 2013 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


THE NEW YEAR STARTS HERE (see y'all Thursday):

...with THE BEAT FARMERS!  Making a tradition of this more sober than usual, professionally-shot, early BF gig recorded at Universal Studios, including "There She Goes Again" (VU); "Road to Ruin," "Bigger Fool," "Reason to Believe" (Springsteen), "Powderfinger" (N. Young), "Happy Boy," "Big Ugly Wheels," "Bigger Stones," "Gun Sale at the Church," "Dallas Blues," "I Wanna Be Free," "Lakeside Trailer Park," "Death Train," and "Seven Year Itch."  If you're new to the band, my picks would be "Bigger Stones," "Happy Boy" and the cover of your choice.  BONUS:  Now how much would you pay?  But wait... there's more!  If you really want to see someone put the "bar" in "bar band," watch these NSFW clips from Houston, TX of the late Country Dick Montana leading the band through "Lucille" (K. Rogers) -- complete with his favorite beer bottle stunts -- followed by "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Wino," "Are You Drinkin' With Me, Jesus?" and "Mondo."  SUPER-SPECIAL BONUS: Country Dick rolls out "California Kid" and "Anarchy in the UK" (Language warning).

LIVE AT THE GUARDIAN , 2013: Collected on video in Parts One and Two.

NPR MUSIC's 50 Favorite Albums of 2013

NPR MUSIC's 12 Favorite Music Videos Of 2013.

THE TOP 10 FOLK & AMERICANA ALBUMS, according to Folk Alley

THE TOP 5 RISING ARTISTS of 2013, according to World Cafe

TINY DESK CONCERTS: NPR rounds up 2013.

U2: Crushingly obvious, I know. But this version of the video is not on the Tube, for some reason.

AULD LANG SYNE: Largehearted Boy compiles 10 versions.

NICK CAVE & SHANE MacGOWAN: "What a Wonderful World."

ABBA wishes you a "Happy New Year,"  but it doesn't sound anywhere as celebratory as "Take A Chance On Me." 

THE MOUNTAIN GOATS perform "This Year" at the M-Shop in Ames, IA.

OTIS & CARLA have a "New Year's Resolution."

CLAUDE PATE: Don't forget you can stream a live version of "New Year" at PateSpace, or a fan-made video on the Tube, which has comments from a member of The Eclectics and Friend of Pate Ken King.

JOE JACKSON: Pate frequently attempted "One More Time" to hilarious effect, so today I stick with Joe's early material, including "Sunday Papers" live on the OGWT, "Kinda Kute" on the Kenny Everett Video Show, a Beat Crazy-era run of "On Your Radio" the official clip for "It's Different For Girls" and a bracing live take on "I'm The Man." That last one is taken from the Rock Goes To College show, which also boasts this pulsing version of his signature "Is She Really Going Out With Him?"  BONUS: The appropos finale, "Got The Time?"

THE BEST OF 2013: Musicians make their picks in a Pitchfork Guest List.

THE TOP 10 SONGS of 2013, according to Stereogum readers.

THE 50 BEST ALBUMS of 2013, according to NME.

THE MOST ANTICIPATED ALBUMS of 2014, according to Stereogum and Flavorwire.

IN MEMORIAM 1: Musicians and entertainers remembered by NPR Music.

IN MEMORIAM 2: Stereogum's Bands We Lost in 2013.

BENJAMIN CURTIS, a founder of Secret Machines and School of Seven Bells, has died, presumably of diagnosed with T-cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He was 35.

THE ZOMBIES: "This Will Be Our Year."

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET: Forbes reprints its original article on Jordan Balfort.

TAYLOR SWIFT is the Most Charitable Celeb of 2013, according to DoSomething.org. The late Paul Walker placed fourth.

MEGAN FOX, however, is a good tipper.

DWAYNE WADE fathered a son during a temporary split from his now-fiancée Gabrielle Union earlier this year. Where is Ross Geller when you need him?

MICHAEL DOUGLAS & CATHERINE ZETA-JONES, reportedly estranged, were snapped wearing their wedding bands while leaving their New York City apartment.

KHLOE KARDASHIAN wants a fresh start in 2014. Shocka.

ROBIN ROBERTS comes out.

RUSSIA: A suicide bomber detonated on a crowded trolley in Volgograd, killing at least 14 people and injuring scores more, the second such attack in two days in the city.

SYRIA has apparently not even begun to move its most deadly chemical weapons out of the country, two days before the deadline and despite an international effort to mobilize the resources needed to do so. Shocka. The Obama administration’s outreach to the Islamic Front in Syria earlier this month failed due to a flawed plan and unrealistic goals, insiders say—and now American influence on the ground with the armed Syrian opposition is at a new low.

EGYPT: A court banned protests at universities without a permit, while 139 pro-Morsi protesters received two-year prison sentences.

IRAN: High level sources within Hamas have confirmed that warm relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran have been restored, following a number of meetings between the two sides held in various Arab and Islamic capitals.

DOG SWIM PARTY: Let's go to the video.

A 700-LB COW was rescued from an in-ground pool in Oregon. Took a lot of effort.

THE DOG-TO-ENGLISH TRANSLATOR: Coming in 20... Squirrel!

AN ORPHAN POLAR BEAR befriends his stuffed Teddy.

2850 Reads

Peter Gabriel, Metallica, Flaming Lips, UMO, Golden Retriever   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, December 30, 2013 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


YUCK drops a video for "Somewhere."

PETER GABRIEL streams Scratch My Back -- on which he covers indie artists -- and And I'll Scratch Yours -- on which he covers them.

METALLICA, Live in Antarctica.

THE NEW STANDARDS HOLIDAY SHOW, 2013: Featuring, among other things, the reunion of Trip Shakespeare.

THE FLAMING LIPS' extremely rare 2nd Cassette Demo.

UNKNOWN MORTAL ORCHESTRA drops the 22-minute "SB-01."

SHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGS cover "Goldfinger," as you always suspected they would.

SONDRE LERCHE covers Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball," as you had no idea he would.

DAVID BOWIE: Rare footage of "The Jean Genie" from a 1973 performance on Top of the Pops.

RUN WESTY RUN talks to The Current about why they chose to reunite now, what it was like having R.E.M.'s Pete Buck produce two records—Green Cat Island and David's Drum -- and more.

THE FAB FOUR  stopped by World Cafe to talk about their Christmassy new LP.

U2 is returning to Island Records for their next LP, due this Spring.

STEVIE NICKS officiated Vanessa Carlton's wedding.

WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug tops the chart with 29.9 million. That's behind the pace of the first Hobbit, but this one has raked in 466 million worldwide so far. The real news may be Frozen placing with 28.8 million, a 47 percent increase from last weekend from the extraordinarily leggy Disney pic. Consider that Frozen is handily besting the Hunger Games sequel, which is itself pretty darned leggy.  Doing this well in a fifth weekend (when theaters see most of the profit) will keep Frozen on screens for weeks to come. Anchorman 2 shows with 20.1 million; it will break the 100 million mark this week, to the dismay of people who suffered through an avalanche of marketing.  American Hustle takes the fourth slot with 19.6 million and a 60 million domestic total -- much faster than The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook took to reach that mark. The debut of The Wolf of Wall Street rounds out the Top Five with 18 million and a 34 million total since Christmas. It's likely to recoupa 100 millionproduction budget domestically and reap profit overseas. Below the fold, Saving Mr Banks earned 14 million, a 50 percent increase from the prior weekend. Moreover, the other Christmas openers -- Walter Mitty, 47 Ronin, and Grudge Match -- all performed poorly.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET: It's a wonder the latest from Scorsese and DiCaprio didn't merit an NC-17 rating, given the sheer volume of frontal nudity on display in their serio-comedic take on the rise and fall of convicted trader Jordan Balfort.  The nudity and laughs have caused the daughter of one of Balfort's associates to complain the film glamorizes Balfort's frauds. I don't think it does so much more than Oliver Stone's Wall Street, ultimately. And yet, aside from the sex and comedy, it's not clear The Wolf has much more to say on its subject than Wall Street did. Moreover, Scorsese likely could have trimmed a half-hour from its three-hour length and not missed much.That said, i'd likely preferan extraneous half-hour of Scorsese than most other move half-hours.  Plus, Jonah Hill is terrific in this film as Balfort's demented sidekick, and Margot Robbie holds her own as Balfort's wife (a far different role than earlier this year in About Time). Moreover, as usual, Scorsese's soundtrack is superb.  Overall,The Wolf of Wall Street was quite good, but know going in this is extreme debauchery and fraud played for laughs.

BRITNEY SPEARS opens in Vegas. How real were those abs?

MILEY CYRUS & KELLAN LUTZ fueled those dating rumors at a Britney Spears afterparty in Vegas.

KEIRA KNIGHTLEY talks to Harper's Bazaar about feminism, film and why she will never join Twitter.

SELENA GOMEZ is taking tme off to deal with Lupus.

PHIL ROBERTSON & DUCK DYNASTY will remain on A & E. Follow the money.

AFGHANISTAN: The gains the United States and its allies have made during the past three years are likely to have been significantly eroded by 2017, even if Washington leaves behind a few thousand troops and continues bankrolling the impoverished nation, according to officials familiar with the report.

LIBYA: House lawmakers on Sunday disputed a new report that concludes Al Qaeda played no role in the fatal 2012 terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

SYRIA: Since its appearance last April, al Qaeda-linked ISIS has changed the course of the Syrian war. Russia says the Syrian toxin removal deadline will be missed.

IRAN: State TV quoted Iran's nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi as claiming that Iran has decided to not put 1000 second generation centrifuges into operation at one of its nuclear fuel enrichment sites. Salehi also said Iran currently has 19000 operating centrifuges, and is now developing third and fourth generation-type centrifuges, and that Tehran is in discussions with Moscow over the construction of four new nuclear power plants in Iran.

GOLDEN RETREIVER retreived from icy waters by firefighters.

DOLPHINS are getting high on puffer fish.

STRAY CAT mothers a PUPPY...

A PRE-CHRISTMAS SUBWAY MIRACLE that saved the life of a blind man and his guide dog in Harlem on Tuesday was followed a day later by the gift of a lifetime.

2808 Reads

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