Erin McKeown, Broadcast, Perfume Genius, Giraffe Battle |
Wednesday, January 02, 2013 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

VERONICA FALLS has a video out for the jangling "Teenage," ahead of an LP due in February. ERIN McKEOWN is advance streaming Manifestra. BROADCAST is posthumously streaming Berberian Sound Studio. SOUND OPINIONS: Critics Greg Kot and Jim DeRogatis offer their 2012 mixtapes. PERFUME GENIUS frontman Mike Hadreas talks to Morning Edition about the "creepy, beautiful mix" that goes into his songwriting.
DUANE EDDY was a "Rebel Rouser" back in 1959; the introductory voice may sound familiar around New Year's. JAPANDROIDS talk to CBC Music about the cold, the cat, and landing on the world's biggest year-end lists. (Thx, Chromewaves.) THE ABBA MUSEUM: Group members -- esp. Björn Ulvaeus -- are taking a bigger role in developing the interactive facility. MUSIC WRITING 2012: In which Maura Johnston laments the democratization of the music conversation. GUEST LISTS of 2012: Pitchfork invited artists to submit lists of their favorite things from 2012-- music-related or not-- and as usual there were a wide range of responses. 
WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey topped the chart with 32 million in a very close race for the top three slots. It crossed the 200 million mark faster than Fellowship of the Ring (which opened about the same time of year), but that was 11 years ago and The Hobbit was boosted by 3-D and IMAX receipts. The Hobbit is slower to reach 200 million than the later LotR movies and about on the pace of Skyfall, which opened before the Christmas rush. Django Unchained was a close second with 30.1 million; it is now outpacing Tarantino's prior film, Inglourious Basterds. It should beat Basterds domestically, but may not make as much worldwide, given the difference in plot. Les Miserables shows with 27.3 million and a 66 million total that must delight studio execs, particularly given that this will do boffo box office overseas. Parentl Guidance rode the family formula to the fourth slot with 14.6 million and will likely make money. Sigh. Jack Reacher rounded out the Top 5 with 14 million on a good hold, but even with a low-for-Cruise budget of 60 million, it's tough to see this launching a franchise. Below the fold, Skyfall crossed the 1 billion mark worldwide, Sony's highest-grossing movie ever. DJANGO UNCHAINED: It's a Quentin Tarantino movie, so really, you should basically know what to expect by now. This Spaghetti Southern is less talky than Pulp Fiction and less suspenseful than Inglorious Basterds, but retains the Basterds revenge vibe, as well as QT's trademark humor and ultraviolence. Indeed, this may be QT's funniest film in a while and even rollicks as a good buddy movie should. The music remains impeccable, complete with what may be QT's best incongruous 70s callback since Reservoir Dogs. If you like Tarantino, you'll be thoroughly entertained. KIM KARDASHIAN & KANYE WEST are having a baby. Imma let them finish, but Beyonce had the best celebrity pregnancy evah. CHARLIE SHEEN has opened a bar in Mexico... and hurled a homophobic slur at the audience during its opening. MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY's wife gave birth to their third child. Alrightalrightalright. EMMYLOU HARRIS is now in the crosshairs of the L.A. County District Attorney for allegedly hitting a car on an L.A. Freeway and then hightailing it out of there. HUGH HEFNER married Crystal Harris. KATE WINSLET was said to be "over the moon" after Sir Richard Branson bought her a trip to space as a wedding present. ANNE HATHAWAY's quest to be taken seriously. NICK STAHL: Missing, found, missing, found, and now ... arrested for "touching himself" in a pr0n store. I hope the rehab is going better. JENNIFER LAWRENCE is a big fan of reality TV and junk food. THE UNITED STATES: A Senate report harshly criticized the State Department for its "grievous mistake" of failing to close the US Consulate in Benghazi before the Sept. 11 attack in the face of known security risks. IRAN's navy claims it has tested the Iranian-manufactured air defense system Raad ("Thunder") during an exercise near the Strait of Hormuz. Iran also conducted a "cyberwarfare drill" during the same exercise. SYRIA: Unconfirmed reports claim heavy clashes between Syrian and Jordanian military forces occurred near the Ramtha border crossing. As Assad's regime becomes increasingly isolated, Iranian officials and clerics appear divided on how to respond to their longtime ally. PAKISTAN: The government released eight more Afghan Taliban detainees, including former Taliban justice minister Mullah Nooruddin Turabi. IRAQ: Multiple explosions across Iraq targeted government officials, police patrols and members of both the Sunni and Shiite sects. Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq survived a purported assassination attempt in Ramadi. 
GIRAFFE BATTLE: Let's go to the video. VULTURES attack tourists at the Everglades. CLUCK CLUCK the CHICKEN turned fire alarm to save a Wisconsin couple. CONTROL A COCKROACH via Twitter.
2614 Reads |
Dick Clark-less New Year's Eve (also Fontella Bass-less) |
Friday, December 28, 2012 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

THE NEW YEAR'S WEEKEND STARTS HERE (see y'all next Wednesday): 
...with THE BEAT FARMERS! Making a tradition of this more sober than usual, professionally-shot, early BF gig recorded at Universal Studios, including "There She Goes Again" (VU); "Road to Ruin," "Bigger Fool," "Reason to Believe" (Springsteen), "Powderfinger" (N. Young), "Happy Boy," "Big Ugly Wheels," "Bigger Stones," "Gun Sale at the Church," "Dallas Blues," "I Wanna Be Free," "Lakeside Trailer Park," "Death Train," and "Seven Year Itch." If you're new to the band, my picks would be "Bigger Stones," "Happy Boy" and the cover of your choice. BONUS: Now how much would you pay? But wait... there's more! If you really want to see someone put the "bar" in "bar band," watch these NSFW clips from Houston, TX of the late Country Dick Montana leading the band through "Lucille" (K. Rogers) -- complete with his favorite beer bottle stunts -- followed by "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Wino," "Are You Drinkin' With Me, Jesus?" and "Mondo." SUPER-SPECIAL BONUS: Country Dick rolls out "California Kid" and "Anarchy in the UK" (Language warning). DIVINE FITS plays Morning Becomes Eclectic in this end-of-year encore link. DIRTY PROJECTORS plays Morning Becomes Eclectic in this end-of-year encore link. AC NEWMAN plays The Current in this end-of-year encore link. ALABAMA SHAKES play SXSW in this end-of-year encore link. FATHER JOHN MISTY plays Morning Becomes Eclectic in this end-of-year encore link. THE dB's play World Cafe Live in this end-of-year encore link. MAYER HAWTHORNE plays Morning Becomes Eclectic in this end-of-year encore link. 
U2: Crushingly obvious, I know. NICK CAVE & SHANE MacGOWAN: "What a Wonderful World." ABBA wishes you a "Happy New Year," but it doesn't sound anywhere as celebratory as "Take A Chance On Me." THE MOUNTAIN GOATS perform "This Year" at the M-Shop in Ames, IA. OTIS & CARLA have a "New Year's Resolution." CLAUDE PATE: Don't forget you can stream a live version of "New Year" at PateSpace, or a fan-made video on the Tube, which has comments from a member of The Eclectics and Friend of Pate Ken King. 
JOE JACKSON: Pate frequently attempted "One More Time" to hilarious effect, so today I stick with Joe's early material, including "Sunday Papers" live on the OGWT, "Kinda Kute" on the Kenny Everett Video Show, a Beat Crazy-era run of "On Your Radio" the official clip for "It's Different For Girls" and a bracing live take on "I'm The Man." That last one is taken from the Rock Goes To College show, which also boasts this pulsing version of his signature "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" BONUS: The appropos finale, "Got The Time?" IN MEMORIAM: Musicians who passed in 2012, courtesy of NPR, while Stereogum has band breakups. THE 50 MOST ANTICIPATED LPs of 2013, according to Stereogum. ALL SONGS CONSIDERED has a 2013 Winter Music Preview. FONTELLA BASS, a great R & B and jazz singer, best known for the 1965 hit "Rescue Me," died in her hometown of St. Louis after suffering a heart attack. She was 72. RAY COLLINS, singer and co-founder of the Mothers of Invention, has died at the age of 74. CUTOUT BIN: and more -- this year's final fortuitous finds are streaming from the Pate page at the ol' HM. 
THE ZOMBIES: "This Will Be Our Year." NOW SHOWING: There are no new wide releases this post-Christmas weekend, but Silver Linings Playbook platforms to 745 screens, scoring 91 percent on the ol' Tomatometer. I also liked it. BRITNEY SPEARS is on her way out as a judge for the X Factor. KATE WINSLET secretly tied the knot with Richard Branson's nephew; Leonardo DiCaprio gave her away. MILEY CYRUS: Married? TOM CRUISE: Dirty Dancing on a date in NYC. EMMA STONE & ANDREW GARFIELD adopted a dog together. NATALIE PORTMAN & KRISTEN STEWART: Hollywood's best actors for the buck, according to Forbes. GEN. NORMAN SCHWARZKOPF (Ret.), who commanded coalition forces during the Gulf War, died Thursday, a U.S. official said. He was 78. SYRIA: UN envoy Brahimi proposed a peace plan that included a transitional government with executive powers until new elections could be held. The National Coalition said it would agree to any plan that excludes President Assad. Russia sought to revive an earlier peace plan without the stipulation. ISRAEL's internal security service arrested 10 members of an armed cell of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Two suspects are charged with plotting to kidnap an Israeli soldier; the other eight face related terror charges. EGYPT: Prosecutors ordered an investigation into opposition leaders over allegations that they planned to overthrow the government. An Islamist group in Sinai threatened to launch a crusade against drug use and cigarette smoking. Two ministers resigned over economic reforms. IRAQ: Thousands of protesters from Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority kept up a week-old blockade on a key highway on Thursday and readied mass rallies for Friday to demand concessions from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. 
A DOG loves "Auld Lang Syne." (Or does it?) All my life, I don't know what this song means... ABBY, A BLIND DOG, was rescued after a week in the Alaskan wilderness. THE MOOSE SEX PROJECT: The program is aiming to raise 35000 to buy a narrow strip of the Chignecto Isthmus - a strip of land between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick -- for moose hookups. ENDANGERED TIGERS are making a comeback due to better law enforcement, protection of habitat and strong government partnerships, a U.S. wildlife group says.
2766 Reads |
Of Monsters and Men, David Bazan, Brian Eno, Cat in a Wheel |
Thursday, December 27, 2012 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

DIRTY PROJECTORS launch a video for "Offspring Are Blank." OF MONSTERS AND MEN piles into WNYC Soundcheck for a mini-set. DAVID BAZAN and band stopped by KEXP to play a dynamic set of songs off of the seminal Pedro The Lion album, Control. BRIAN ENO talks with World Cafe host David Dye about Lux, as well as some of the other projects he's been created during his remarkable career. THE LENNINGS played a mini-set at KUT. Includes a link to their cover of "You're the One That I Want." YO LA TENGO is streaming a new song called "Ohm." 
BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD play a medley of "For What It's Worth" and "Mr. Soul." DINOSAUR JR: Frontman J Mascis and the band's mixer, John Agnello, talk to FastCo.Create about the sustained transformation from fully defunct to newly vital scene vets. METZ: Alex Adkins talks to Interview about touring the world. DRAGONETTE is profiled by Spinner. POP GOES 2012: The return of the mid-80s monoculture? 
CHRISTMAS BOX OFFICE: Les Misérables opened with 18.1 million -- a non-weekend Christmas record, and second-highest Christmas opening behind the first RDJr Sherlock Holmes flick. Django Unchained placed with 15 million, which would have been a non-weekend Christmas record, but for Les Miz. The Hobbit showed with another 11.3 million. BRITNEY SPEARS: Kevin Federline's brother Christopher says in bombshell court papers that he slept with Britney Spears during her marriage to his brother - and fathered her now-7-year-old son Sean Preston. JANET JACKSON is reportedly engaged to Qatari billionaire Wissam Al Mana. RYAN MURPHY: The Glee, New Normal and American Horror Story creator is a first-time father. WHITNEY HOUSTON was murdered and new evidence - caught on video - proves it, says a top Hollywood private investigator who is turning all of his material over to the FBI. Grain of salt alert. JENNIFER LOPEZ lost a huge round in court against her ex-driver -- because a judge has tossed out the singer's 20 million extortion lawsuit against him. HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER will extend to a ninth season, after a last minute turnaround by Jason Segel. ANNE HATHAWAY has Oscars hosting advice for Seth MacFarlane. IRANIAN power plants and industrial sites were hit by cyberattacks. Iran suggested that the attacks came from the US and Israel. Iran began a series of naval exercises. SYRIA: After setbacks to the Assad regime, refugees in Jordan began returning to Syria join the rebellion. A senior general in charge of Syria's military police defected to the rebels. Fighting over a military base on the Damascus-to-Aleppo highway intensified as rebels attempted to cut off government forces in the north. LIBYA: The former head of the National Transitional Council accused "Libyan Islamists" of both the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi and the assassination of rebel commander General Abdulfatah Younis. The Interior Ministry announced a plan to dismantle and disarm Libyan militia groups, and said judges are investigating recent attacks on Benghazi security officials. EGYPT's election committee announced that the referendum had approved a new constitution. President Morsi signed the constitution into law. A Freedom and Justice Party official said a cabinet reshuffle is likely. 
CAT IN A WHEEL: Let's go to the video. A GIANT SERPENT invaded an island near Phuket, limericks to follow. THE BEAR STUFF: When the U.S. Air Force was designing its first supersonic jet bomber in the 1950s, it turns out bears were an essential part of the process. A SHARK-FILLED AQUARIUM caused terror when it burst open in China injuring 15 people with flying glass and fish. AN ORPHANED CHEETAH CUB is the new star attraction at a zoo in Poland.
2726 Reads |
Polyphonic Spree, Sea Wolf, Joe Strummer, Great Dane + Baby |
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl
PATE REUNION WATCH: Conditions have created a significant risk of a band reunion occurring in early July 2013. Pate is looking for input from friends and fans via the Claude Pate Facebook page. I have also set up and will monitor PateBlog on the Twitter, as well as PateBlog -at- aol.com for email (laugh at the aol, but why not be period?). We'll also be looking to set up additional lines of communication as needed and as plans warrant. The last reunion was great; get involved to help get another one rolling!

FRIGHTENED RABBIT drops a video for "The Woodpile" with a surprise ending. THE POLYPHONIC SPREE played a Tiny Desk Concert at the NPR offices. SEA WOLF stopped by World Cafe for a chat and mini-set. MINUS THE BEAR stopped by World Cafe for a chat and mini-set. JOE STRUMMER died 10 years ago Dec. 22; Morning Edition offers a retrospective on the Clash (co)-frontman.The Daily Swarm has a remembrance from "The Baker." 
THE BANGLES: It's getting almost impossible to find this version of their cover of "Hazy Shade of Winter," but worth it. BOB MOULD did an "Ask Me Anything" session at Reddit. FIVE AMERICANA BANDS that will help you believe in America again. DIAMOND RINGS stopped by Turntable.fm to talk with Stereogum about how he gets ready for a show, why we should all stop dissing Justin Bieber, and, naturally, Bryan Adams’s haircut. RUSH: A fan's confession. THE ROLLING STONES' Ronnie Wood married his girlfriend of eight months, Sally Humphreys, Dec. 21st at London's Dorchester Hotel.
WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: The Hobbit took in 36.9 million over the regular weekend -- a 56 percent drop that means the cineplex better hope for help from Santa. Jack Reacher placed with a lukewarm 15.6 million against a 60 million budget. This Is 40 showed anemically with a 12 million debut, though the 35 million budget suggests this likely won't be in the red. Rise of the Guardians rode the family audience to hang in at the fourth slot with 5.9 million; worldwide receipts and home video will likely make this one profitable in the long run. Lincoln rounds out the Top 5 with 5.5 million, succeeding artistically and financially. Below the fold, The Guilt Trip had a 6th place debut of only 5.4 million, though the 40 million budget suggests it won't be a disaster if it can linger into mid-January. ASHTON KUTCHER finally pulled the trigger, filing for divorce from Demi Moore, over a year after the couple split up ... and now we know why he waited. Moore reportedly claims she planned to divorce Kutcher from the day she left him in November, 2011... but wants a big financial settlement, despite being richer than him. Ashton Kutcher was spotted out with Mila Kunis on Saturday night in Cedar Rapids, IA. LINDSAY LOHAN refused to kiss Charlie Sheen in Scary Movie 5 because, y'know, cooties. And she's mad that the producers made an extra joke at her expense. JESSICA SIMPSON is officially knocked up again. MADONNA threatened to cancel a concert in Chile over fans smoking. KRISTEN STEWART talks to Indiewire about On The Road, Snow White, Twilight, etc. MILA KUNIS was slurred by an anti-Semitic Ukranian politician, on Facebook no less. KELSEY & CAMILLE GRAMMER finally settled their divorce. JACK KLUGMAN, the rubber-mugged character actor who leapt to television stardom in the 1970s as the slovenly sportswriter Oscar Madison on “The Odd Couple” and as the crusading forensic pathologist of “Quincy, M.E.,” died on Monday at his home in the Woodland Hills section of Los Angeles. He was 90. CHARLES DURNING, who overcame poverty, battlefield trauma and nagging self-doubt to become an acclaimed character actor, whether on stage as Big Daddy in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" or in film as the lonely widower smitten with a cross-dressing Dustin Hoffman in "Tootsie," died on Monday at his home in Manhattan. He was 89. SYRIA: Seven people have died in Homs after they inhaled a “poisonous gas” used by government forces in a rebel-held neighbourhood, activists said. UN and Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi met with President Assad but made little progress toward a negotiated solution for the civil war. Rebels surrounded three air bases in northern Syria but were unable to stop government jets from launching attacks. Russian advisers are manning some of Syria's air defenses. EGYPT: Demonstrations were held in Cairo denouncing alleged rigging of the constitutional referendum. Egyptian judges began investigating the allegations. 
A GREAT DANE snuggles A BABY... Mass hysteria! THE IKEA MONKEY has been named one of the top fashion icons of 2012 by The Guardian. A "STALKER" PIGEON was reported to police in the German town of Darmstadt. MAN bites SNAKE. INVASION of the Mystery Worms.
2781 Reads |
He took the Whos' feast. He took the who pudding, he took the roast beast. |
Friday, December 21, 2012 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND STARTS HERE (See y'all next Wednesday): 
... with CHRIS ISAAK, live at Universal Studios last December 12th. Your holiday-themed numbers include "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," "Hey, Santa," "Last Month of the Year," "Blue Christmas," and "Christmas on TV." Bonus: Dreidel banter! A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS: Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about. Mental Floss has "The Real Story Behind A Charlie Brown Christmas (and why it almost wasn't shown)." The WaPo has reflections from producer-director Lee Mendelson. DARLENE LOVE & RONNIE SPECTOR duet on "Sleigh Ride" and "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree." AIMEE MANN's CHRISTMAS CAROL (profanity warnings): Part One has your Scrooge-y set-up with Michael Penn. Part Two features The Office's John Krasinski. Part Three has Michael Cera. Part Four has John C. Reilly. ALL SONGS CONSIDERED throws a holiday party featuring the Polyphonic Spree, Nellie McKay, Telekinesis, Sufjan Stevens and more. THE POGUES: It's not Christmas Eve in the drunk tank (or even St. Patrick's Day) without a "Fairytale of New York." NORAD will be tracking Santa, per usual. CNET has a history and behind-the scenes story. THE 25 BEST CHRISTMAS ALBUMS, according to Complex. 
BILLY MACK: Because "Christmas Is All Around." SANTA SOUL: A free compilation from Andy Cirzan and Sound Opinions. THE FLAMING LIPS perform "White Christmas" as only they can. SUPER FURRY ANIMALS: "The Keep That Keeps Giving." Not to be confused with "The Gift," which is not Christmasey at all. THE MUPPETS: "Ringing of the Bells." Not to be confused with Super Furry Animals. GLAM XMAS: I started the month with Wizzard's awesome "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day" and Slade's "Merry Christmas Everybody" (1973's UK Xmas No. 1). The circle is now complete. HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS: The real deal, not Jim Carrey. Then he slunk to the ice box. He took the Whos' feast. He took the who pudding, he took the roast beast. He emptied the ice box as quick as a flash. Why, the Grinch even took the last can of who hash. 
DAVID BOWIE & BING CROSBY'S cross-generational duet on "Little Drummer Boy." This historic even was recently recreated by Will Farrell and John C. Reilly. Plus, "Gulliver's Travels" co-stars Jack Black and Jason Segel have done a cartoon cover. THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUS: Many people believe human activity is causing global warming. I blame Snow Miser and Heat Miser. CHICAGO CHRISTMAS MEMORIES: If you grew up in Chicago (and I suspect other places), the season is not complete without watching the short cartoons of "Hardrock, Coco & Joe" (a story fantastic, a story so queer), "Suzy Snowflake" and the jazzy version of "Frosty the Snowman." THE BEATLES fan club messages for 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968 and 1969. THE TRON 1982 HOLIDAY SPECIAL, courtesy of Funny Or Die. HOLIDAY BIN: From Sufjan Stevens to the Salsoul Orchestra, from James Brown to the Ramones, from Chuck Berry to Squeeze, plus John Lennon, Darlene Love, The Kinks, They Might Be Giants and more -- your stocking stuffers are now streaming from the Pate page at the ol' HM. 
IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE: Pate even had a song titled "Rope Around The Moon," so watch the whole thing, in B & W or colorized. BONUS: Vintage Bailey backlash from warped, frustrated old people at the New York Times and Portfolio. DOUBLE-BONUS: 22 TV variations on It's A Wonderful Life. RUDOLPH, THE RED-NOSED REINDEER: Pull up an ice block and lend an ear! Herbie wanted to be a dentist. NTTAWWT. BONUS: The Rankin-Bass classic continues to inspire ads like 2009's Verizon ad, following 2008's Apple ad, and even more so 2007's AFLAC commercial. FESTIVUS: For the rest of us. Technically already started, so I can be one of your grievances. SCARY GHOST STORIES: I overheard Andy Williams crooning "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" in a store this month, and the lyric about "scary ghost stories" never really struck me before. Took me a second, but I supposed he was referring to Dickens. It turns out -- as noted by a coworker -- that this was a thing in Victorian England... and the modern day. BONUS: Krampus! CLASSIC TV CHRISTMAS SPECIALS by the truckload, linked at WFMU, the post is a few years old, but many of the links still work. Also, 23 TV Episodes based on "A Christmas Carol." NAT KING COLE: His chestnuts are roasting. 
MAYMO THE BEAGLE gets 210 bottles for Christmas. 100 ANIMALS in Santa hats. You're welcome. THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, as told by cats. 14 ANIMALS Who Tried to Ruin Christmas. AN AUSTRALIAN FAMILY shot into the Guinness Book of Records in 2011 after decorating their home with an astonishing 331038 Christmas lights. If the video at the link doesn't work, try this one.
2725 Reads |