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The dBs, Rock's New Generation, Kurt Vonnegut and Cat News   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Friday, September 16, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


5427 Reads

Son of Federline, Decemberists, Randy Newman and Squirrelapalooza   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 08:15 AM
Posted by: kbade


3948 Reads

Geezer Rock, Geek Rock, Derek Smalls, Alt-Fuels and Gators   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


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Brain Surgery, Jive Talkin', The Bruce Lee Peace Plan and Zsa Zsa Top   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


CHARLIE AND RONNIE o­nly have eyes for each other... NTTAWWT. ALSO: Mick Jagger thinks terrorists scare him, but not as much as the London police do. Mick can take comfort in the fact that Tony Blair is getting advice from people like Cat Stevens, Inayat Bunglawala -- who refers to Osama bin Laden as a "freedom fighter," and describes Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman ("the blind sheikh" behind the 1993 WTC bombing conspiracy) as "courageous" -- and Ahmad Thomson, who claims Blair decided to wage war o­n Iraq after coming under the influence of a "sinister" group of Jews and Freemasons. They are currently advising Blair to scrap the Jewish Holocaust Memorial Day because it is regarded as offensive to Muslims. And Britain is still the weak link when it comes to extremists, so Mick can rest easy about those scary London Bobbies.

PLEASED TO MEET YOU, won't you guess my name? What's troubling you... my operation o­n your brain?

MEATLOAF is donating the proceeds from his upcoming show in Savannah, Georgia, to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

NEW RELEASES: Largehearted Boy, from whom I often steal material, usually has a handy guide to what's new, including Sonic Youth and Richard Thompson re-issues, new albums from the Dandy Warhols, Diamond Nights Tim Fite and Super Furry Animals, as well as the Iron & Wine/Calexico EP.

THE TOP 100 HITS from 1960 to the present. Look up the year you graduated high school, just to frighten yourself. (Thanks, Debbie... and domo arigato, Mr. Roboto!)

THE WHITE STRIPES show to be streamed o­n NPR will also include The Shins and M Ward. Pitchfork snarks that it's "a crash course in the sounds your favorite record store clerk was grooving to, like, two years ago," but it's not a bad triple bill.

BONO doesn't care about the ghetto, according to Mos Def.

KANYE WEST explains when it's okay for Whitey to speak jive. Word.

UK POST-POST-PUNK POP: A feature o­n the Pitchfork counts down the Top 40.

PETE DOHERTY UPDATE: The troubled singer had to take down the forum o­n his web site after people used it to slam Doherty's drug habits.

PORN STAR or POP STAR? Play the game that's sweeping the nation. SFW, though you may want to keep the annoying music track off. BTW, I o­nly scored 70 percent and was instructed to watch more porn, so if anyone has recommendations...

TOM-KAT UPDATE: Cruise had no idea there were so many wedding magazines. But David Spade is looking forward to the wedding. And according to the all-knowing Enquirer, Cruise Collateral co-star Jamie Foxx is miffed that Cruise allegedly made a ,000 donation to the Church of Scientology in Foxx's name without him knowing. Friends allegedly believe Cruise was was using Foxx's name to recruit African-Americans into the church. SEMI-RELATED: Scientologists put Boys & Girls Club logo o­n booklets.

TYRA BANKS has an X-rated lookalike.

RENEE ZELLEWEGER: More shaky marriage rumors. Craig O'Neill really needs to click o­n this o­ne for the headline.

WE'VE TRACED THE CALLS... they're coming from Clay Aiken!

CLAUDIA SCHIFFER got an engagement tortoise instead of a ring. And still accepted.

SIENNA MILLER: More pregnancy rumors.

BRADGELINA UPDATE: More marriage rumors, from Star magazine this time, so they must be true. Most college women want to sleep with Pitt, more want to sleep with Jolie, according to a recent poll. PLUS: Good Angelina vs. Bad Angelina.

BRUCE LEE unites the ethnically divided Bosnian city of Mostar. Next stop: Iraq!

KEVIN BACON talks about the zero degrees of separation between himself and a game.

EVA LONGORIA has become a good luck charm for the French national basketball team. Don't ask, don't tell. Speaking of which, she probably doesn't make friends telling everyone she's a size zero, even though she is tiny.

BRITNEY SPEARS: The pregnant pop tart denies she went into labor over the weekend. But the Enquirer claims she's an "emotional wreck" because she's faced with spending the first few months of her baby's life with K-Fed o­n the road promoting his alleged music career. And she might be o­ne of the few o­n the planet dumb enough to not see it as a blessing.

JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT called ghostbusters to her house, which was o­nce owned by Lon Chaney. That JLH stars as a medium in a new CBS series called The Ghost Whisperer is purely coincidental.

CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS and GEORGE GALLOWAY will debate the war in Iraq Wednesday. Hitchens has called Galloway a "renegade member of Parliament who has been Saddam Hussein's chief propagandist in Britain" with an "ugly mouth," while Galloway countered that Hitchens was nothing but a "drink-sodden former Trotskyist popinjay." The latter inspired a blog.

IRAQ: Iraqi politicians continue to negotiate over the draft constitution and it remains unclear when a final text may be printed, less than five weeks before a referendum. Do they have Kinko's in Baghdad? The U.S. military denied an accusation that U.S. and Iraq forces used toxic gas during an attack o­n the Iraqi town of Tal Afar. Bill Roggio reminds us that Tal Afar is part of a much larger operation. Defense Industry Daily covers the detection of IEDs by robots and remote-contolled cars from Radio Shack. No, really.

HURRICANE KATRINA: Michael Kinsley, formerly of CNN, Slate and now of the L.A. Times, produces the must-read "Hindsight: A User's Guide." There's the nugget that a "Los Angeles Times colleague of mine, appearing o­n CNN last week to talk about Katrina, was told by a producer to 'get angry,'" but there's much more than that, too.

HEY SEAN, where you goin' with that gun in your hand?

HURRICANE RELIEF: If you are still looking around for some way to contribute, Newsweek had a piece about several groups, including Project Backback, which collects supplies for the thousands of children who are starting school far from home. My co-worker Debbie is working with the group in Illinois and it was oddly fun to shop for school supplies again. Those of you with kids probably won't feel quite that way, but you might empathize.

BIG EASY UPDATE: The City of New Orleans declined to put several hundred people o­n an Amtrak train the Saturday night before the hurricane hit; what would Steve Goodman say? Big Daddy's strip club o­n Bourbon Street is getting ready to reopen as soon as the club can get dancers.

ALREADY THINKING ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS? Perhaps an office person would like The Cubes.

THE SUPREME COURT: Four-year-old Jack Roberts channels the reaction of most Americans to the opening day bloviations from the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearings o­n the nomination of Judge John G. Roberts to be Chief Justice. For the rest, there is live-blogging and more at the SCOTUS blog.

CULT OF THE iPod: Ars Technica stress tests the Nano. It's pretty tough, but you'll have to click if you want to know whether you can drive a car over it.

THREE FUGITIVE CHIMPS shot and killed in Nebraska.

SPOTTED OWLS: Almost every night, researchers in the Pacific Northwest scour huge swaths of forest to create a detailed, real-time database of the owls' locations using radio telemetry, global positioning satellite and geographic information systems.

GET HIPPOS CHEAP from the Congo. As low as fifty bucks -- no wonder they are almost extinct.

ANTEATER BORN AT ST. LOUIS ZOO is named Zsa Zsa Top by guitarist Billy Gibbons. She will stay with her mother in the River's Edge exhibit for up to two years, but then you know what she'll be looking for...

4059 Reads

CYHSA, Emmylou Harris, Son Volt, L.A. Gators and Elephant Polo   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, September 12, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


3596 Reads

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