THE WEEKEND STARTS HERE: VIRTUAL STAN: Web designer extraordinaire Jason Santa Maria is nicknamed "Stan." As a gift, one of his friends, Rob Weychert, created Virtual Stan. Hear him sing "Roxanne." DO YOU REMEMBER HUSKER DU? They do at Metafilter. Stop by for Mpls. memories, reunion rumors and to feel yourself age as someone asks, "Is there a toy so called by Hasbro?" You bet your pop-o-matic! POPMATTERS gives a good review to the tribute disc, Sunday Nights: The Songs of Junior Kimbrough. It gets a seven on the Pitchfork. ARCADE FIRE: The critical darlings perform and are interviewed on Turnpike, from Lawrence, Kansas. GOLDEN FIDDLE has pictures of a rehabbing Courtney Love... or are they of Sally Struthers? You be the judge. Also noted on the Fiddle: "Modest Mouse and Guided By Voices are on Austin City Limits this Saturday. Check yer local listings." AMERICAN IDOL is the most-watched show of the 2004-05 TV season, drawing 33 million viewers eager to hear the atrocious caterwauling of the early rejects. The same dynamic explains the popularity of Ashlee Simpson. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS is targeted by the Rev. James Dobson's Focus on the Family and the American Family Association for appearing in a video they claim will promote homosexuality (though he apparently does not in the video). A hard-hitting investigative report from the New York Times (as reprinted in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer) notes that the celebrity sponge "has become a camp figure among adult gay men, perhaps because he holds hands with his animated sidekick Patrick." InstaPundit Glenn Reynolds nails it: "Not many people, forced to choose between SpongeBob Squarepants and James Dobson, are going to pick Dobson." TOUCH MY ARMADILLO! Touch it, go ahead, touch it... BURGLAR takes daughters to work in Van Buren, Arkansas. PROFESSOR KEN KING checked in by e-mail. I'm not sure, but I think he may be at Space Camp. ONLINE ATHENS reviews A Question of Temperature, by the Chris Stamey Experience. (Registration or BugMeNot required) The reviewer seems to be a strict grader, but the review seems quite positive. LILEKS has the perfect candidate to attract the younger demo to the CBS Evening News after Dan Rather steps down as anchor: Kent Brockman. THIS IS YOUR BRAIN; this is your brain on politicians. WALKING DOWNHILL has different health benefits from walking uphill. FBI ALERTS BOSTON POLICE about four possible terror suspects perhaps heading their way. Maybe sorta kinda. But better safe than sorry. ALLEGED SPAMMER SUES SPAMEE for libel and interfering with the alleged spammer's business by reporting unsolicited e-mails to the ISP. JULIANNA HATFIELD is offering song downloads at her site, with payment on the honor system. HE'S SORRY...SO SORRY...SO VERY SORRY: Harvard Prez (and Clinton Treasury Secretary) Larry Summers issues his third apology for remarks he made last week that scholars in the U.S. said was a message women lack the ability to excel at math and science. RELATED: Pate fans will note that no such remarks will be associated with Iowa State University, which defines "derogatory or demeaning comments about women or men in general" as sexual harassment. THE HASSELHOFFIAN RECURSION: View at your own risk. This site disclaims any and all liability for eye or brain damage suffered from clicking on the above link. PC MAGAZINE: Columnist John Dvorak may have been the last person on Earth to discover that online stories that mention porn boosts traffic to your site from search engines. He's at it again. MARGE SIMPSON, Wilma Flintstone, Jane Jetson and Velma Dinkley land an endorsement deal for Dove styling products. CLARE DANES neatly sums up the public interest in Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. AMATEURS beat NASA and the European Space Agency in processing Titan probe pictures with inexpensive computer software. ONLINE ADVERTISING: Video ads are in, pop-ups out for 2005.