... with GRAM PARSONS! As a member of both The Byrds and The Flying Burrito Brothers, and as a solo artist, Parsons anticipated the so-called country rock of the 1970s and the alt-country movement that began around 1990. There is not a lot of GP video floating around, but "Christine's Tune" is a good place to start, though the video for "Older Guys" is great because someone made them go out to christen Judge Smails' sloop. The Hell's Angels make an unfortunate cameo in the clip of "Six Days on the Road" from the infamous Altamont festival in 1969. The posthumous video for "Sin City" is nice also. BONUS: Dwight Yoakum covers "Wheels" at a Parsons tribute concert. DOUBLE BONUS: Frequent duet partner Emmylou Harris covers "Return of the Grievous Angel" with Ryan Adams (and Buddy Miller on bass) at a different tribute. DAMIEN JURADO plays KEXP. ELI WINTER covers Don Cherry and Ed Blackwell, Maria BC, Judee Sill, and Karen Dalton for a Lagniappe Session. RICK ASTLEY recreates his signature hit for an insurance ad. ANGEL OLSEN sings "All the Good Times" on Fallon. FATHER JOHN MISTY sings "Buddy's Rendezvous" on Kimmel. SUMMER CAMP covers the Flamingos' "I Only Have Eyes for You." THE FEELIES' Glenn Mercer talks to Aquarium Drunkard. KEVIN MORBY, on Memphis, discovering music, and more. NO SOPHOMORE SLUMP on these albums. OASIS SONGS, ranked by Steven Hyden. MICHELLE YEOH finds herself at the zenith of the Hollywood firmament. AMERICAN GIGOLO, with Jon Bernthal, has a teaser trailer online. R. KELLY: "Jane," now 37, is the star witness in the singer's federal child pr0n trial. ANGELINA JOLIE got those FBI docs into the media bloodstream. JONAH HILL won’t be promoting his upcoming films for the foreseeable future in order to work on his mental health. LINDA EVANGELISTA did her first fashion shoot in years, after settling a lowsuit with CoolSculpting. EVENT HORIZON gets better with age. RIDE, RIDE LIKE THE WIND... to be free again. A CAT, making fetch happen. WHICH SIDE are you on, boy?