OH-OH-OH, it's "Magic," by Pilot, lip-synching on TOTP. Be sure to check the comments on the video at YouTube. JACK WHITE is selling his digs in Detroit. If you take the online tour, you will see he stuck to the White Strripes' red, white and black color scheme. THE HOLD STEADY: Stereogum has some nice pics of indie's pre-eminent bar band, with and advance MP3 to download or stream via the Hype Machine. Reaction at Stereogum is mixed, but I dig it. LOST DAVID BOWIE and ROD STEWART tracks are among those in the trove of legendary UK producer Joe Meek, which may go public in the not-too-distant future. STEREOLAB has a "best of" out on Rhino on Aug. 29th, but you can stream it now in Real or Windows format. Commenters at Stereogum note some obvious omissions. 
SEEN YOUR VIDEO: Occasionally, when completely out of control, Pate would unleash a metal medley including AC/DC's "Whole Lotta Rosie." This is the original (natch), recorded live in Chicago. THE TOP FIVE SONGS OF THE 1960'S: Gorilla vs. Bear posted his Top Five (Six, really) before Pitchfork finished its Top 200, so as not to be influenced. G vs. B picks neither The Beatles nor Dylan for Numero Uno. Then again, neither did Pitchfork! THE A-Z OF ROCK & ROLL SEX SCANDALS, courtesy of Blender magazine. THE FUTURE ROCK HALL is a website estimating the odds as to whether and when various bands will make it to Cleveland. THE MOUNTAIN GOATS' Get Lonely comes out tomorrow, but you can download "Wild Sage" right now. PETE DOHERTY-KATE MOSS UPDATE: The unlikely rumors that the troubled singer and supposedly sober supermodel are to get hitched will not die, even as Doherty pleads guilty to the latest drug charges against him and will stay at The Priory rehabilitation clinic in London until he is sentenced next month, when he could get jail time. 
WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: Snakes on a Plane takes the weekend or is edged out by Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, depending on whether you count the 1.4 million in receipts from late nite shows Thursday. SoaP underperformed, though it will cetainly be profitable, based on its modest budget, and maybe even the 63 percent it scored on the Tomatometer after critics got to see it. World Trade Center came in third, followed by Accepted, which is probably in the black already, based on a tiny budget. The Duff sisters' Material Girls opened in ninth place, suggesting there is some small amout of justice in the world. Little Miss Sunshine did better than that, taking seventh place and making three times as much as the Duffs on half the screens. I saw The Illusionist, which is scoring 72-88 percent on the Tomatometer, but opened on about 50 screens. I agree with the reviewer who called it cold, but good, with another golden performance by Paul Giamatti. KATE HUDSON-CHRIS ROBINSON BREAK-UPDATE: With Butterscoth Stallion Owen Wilson threatening to sue anyone who suggests he is responsible for his You, Me & Dupree co-star Hudson's marriage split, I guess we all have to move on to the story about Hudson not wanting to take part in threesomes and orgies with Robinson. DENISE & HEATHER & RICHIE & CHARLIE & DAVID: Speaking of unlikely, Life and Style magazine claims that as Richie Sambora and Heather Locklear's divorce nears a settlement, Richie is having second thoughts. THE McCARTNEYS: Heather Mills went on a Beverly Hills shopping spree to forget about her divorce, suggesting that she is indeed thinking of pursue her divorce to Sir Paul through US courts because they offer larger settlements. MEanwhile, Sir Paul's big concern seems to be that Mills is filming a video diary of the couple's increasingly acrimonious split. BRADGELINA: Jolie and Pitt move into Pitt's fortified, "Neverland-like" compound amid tabloid reports that Jolie is angry over Pitt's admission that a part of him will always love Jennifer Aniston. 
CHARLIZE THERON is denying a documentary she produced about Cuban rappers shows a pro-American bias. Because Fidel Castro is such a sweetheart, y'know? Don't get me started on Cuban health care. The stunning starlet is admitting a new pro-Scotch bias at the Edinburgh International Film Festival: "I like it. I think it's very, very good. I won't be able to walk off the stage but it's good!" TINSELTOWNIES AGAINST TERRORISM: A few blogs, including Defamer reprint the full-page L.A. Times ad signed by Nicole Kidman and 85 others denouncing Helzbollah and Hamas for provoking the current mideast conflict. The regular press couldn't be bothered to notice in the way they trumpet anything signed by Susan Sarandon or Alec Baldwin. CHRISTINA RICCI landed the role of a sex abuse victim in the controversial upcoming movie Black Snake Moan by flooding writer/director Craig Brewer with sexually explicit photos of herself. Samuel L. Jackson is in this Snake flick also. LINDSAY LOHAN is staying in and trying to behave herself. We'll see how long that lasts. JESSICA SIMPSON: The pneumatic blonde was seen in the company of a mystery man, while rumors have Vanessa Minilllo tring of Simpson's ex, Nick Lachey. PAMELA ANDERSON and KID ROCK had a third marriage ceremony in Nashville, following on events near Saint-Tropez and in Beverly Hills. 
HEZBOLLAH'S FUNNY MONEY? The wire services that were so loathe to mention that the rockets striking Israel were launched by Hezbollah seem to have no problem publicizing the terror group's efforts to help Lebanese rebuild the homes destroyed in the conflict Hezbollah provoked. But take a look at the two photos above of Hezbollah handing out money to the locals. Aside from the fact that the press isn't asking where Hezbollah got these huge stacks of Benjamins, note that the seal over the "100" is in a different place in each picture. And neither has it placed where it's supposed to be. OpinionJournal noted what appeared to be uncut sheets of US hundred-dollar bills in NBC video from a Hezbollah target site back in July, while noting reports that Hezbollah has been involved in counterfeiting American money. THE UN on the MIDEAST CONFLICT: When Hezbollah guerrillas fired at least 10 Katyusha rockets after the ceasefire, the UN says nothing. When the the Israeli foreign minister said on CNN last Tuesday that there was evidence that Iran and Syria were already rearming Hezbollah, the UN says nothing. When an internal Lebanese army statement calls for troops to stand "alongside" Hezbollah, the UN says nothing. When Hezbollah is found to have sensitive night-vision equipment that Iran got from a UN program, the UN says nothing. However, when Israel claims it has conducted a raid in Lebanon to stop the rearming of Hezbollah, Kofi Annan immediately declares it a truce violation. Indeed, the UN Sec. Gen. also wants Israel to lift the blockade it imposed to stop arms resupply. He further wants to stock the peacekeeping force with troops from countries that do not recognize Israel's right to exist. SYRIA: Meanwhile, newspapers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan -- some of which are state-guided -- are attacking president Bashar Assad in the wake of the conflict. Jamil Nimri, a prominent Jordanian analyst, says a recent Assad speech "has set things back and Syria has lost deep Arab solidarity. It is now in a worse situation that it was at the start of the war." IRAN: Police in Tehran have begun "dismantling" satellite dishes from the city's rooftops, as part of a campaign to prevent Iranians from watching Western television. Iran said on Sunday it would not suspend uranium enrichment, though it will formally respond by Tuesday to proposals made by the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany. Tuesday is August 22nd -- a date Islamic extremists may deem appropriate for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. Let's hope it's a coincidence. 
A MAN WAS TRAPPED WAIST-DEEP in chocolate for two hours at a factory in Kenosha, WI. He was recovered before getting sucked up the pipe to the Fudge Room. ARMED CLOWNS are on a robbery spree in Arizona. Video at the link, but haven't I seen this before? ...AND THERE WAS CAT LITTER all over the highway... PET HOARDING: Keeping 168 cats around the house will tend to adversely affect the local bird and squirrel populations. SNAKES that don't need a plane.