I read your Ward Churchill Update and the Campos editorial in the Rocky Mountain News. Campos claims Churchill lacks academic qualifications because he cannot prove his Indian ancestry. He reasons that because he lacks a doctorate (I assume Campos means a Ph.D.), and because he was allegedly hired for diversity purposes, the only reason he is a tenured professor is his Indian identity. Campos has no Ph.D., and he is a member of the Hispanic National Bar Association. He also has virtually no experience as a lawyer, although he wrote a lot of op-ed pieces encouraging Bill Clinton (another former law professor with no experience as a lawyer) to resign. I wonder how Campos became a law professor, and I wonder if anyone has asked him about his racial identity? To be fair, Campos attended Michigan Law School; whereas, Churchill attended someplace less prestigious. Campos was also an associate editor of the law review--which explains his grave concern for the accuracy and precision of footnote references. And, the editorial cites sources suggesting (with very emphatic language) that Churchill exaggerated accounts of atrocities against native americans by citing historical sources inaccurately. If I were a cynic I might suggest Campos is a north american holocaust denier. But, he stops short of this. His jobs are to sell Rocky Mountain News subscriptions and ad space, and to teach the law of America in the twenty first century. I am sure he is good at both jobs. And, he was hired by the same institution that granted Professor Churchill tenure.
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I read your Ward Churchill Update and the Campos editorial in the Rocky Mountain News. Campos claims Churchill lacks academic qualifications because he cannot prove his Indian ancestry. He reasons that because he lacks a doctorate (I assume Campos means a Ph.D.), and because he was allegedly hired for diversity purposes, the only reason he is a tenured professor is his Indian identity. Campos has no Ph.D., and he is a member of the Hispanic National Bar Association. He also has virtually no experience as a lawyer, although he wrote a lot of op-ed pieces encouraging Bill Clinton (another former law professor with no experience as a lawyer) to resign. I wonder how Campos became a law professor, and I wonder if anyone has asked him about his racial identity? To be fair, Campos attended Michigan Law School; whereas, Churchill attended someplace less prestigious. Campos was also an associate editor of the law review--which explains his grave concern for the accuracy and precision of footnote references. And, the editorial cites sources suggesting (with very emphatic language) that Churchill exaggerated accounts of atrocities against native americans by citing historical sources inaccurately. If I were a cynic I might suggest Campos is a north american holocaust denier. But, he stops short of this. His jobs are to sell Rocky Mountain News subscriptions and ad space, and to teach the law of America in the twenty first century. I am sure he is good at both jobs. And, he was hired by the same institution that granted Professor Churchill tenure.
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