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New Releases, Telekinesis, AA Bondy, Fleet Foxes, Slo-mo Dog   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, February 01, 2011 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


LUCKY SOUL released a video for "Upon Hilly Fields" from A Coming of Age.

NEW RELEASES: David Lowery, Young the Giant, Bobby Long and more are streaming this week at Spinner.

TELEKINESIS is advance streaming 12 Desperate Straight Lines.

AA BONDY does five free songs for Daytrotter.

FLEET FOXES drop the title track to Helplessness Blues in advance of the LP.

THE BEATLES: Conquering America (February - June 1964).

THE HOLD STEADY: Craig Finn and guitarist Tad Kubler talk to Gothamist about their incessant touring, love of Cheap Trick, and th band's latest album, Heaven is Whenever.  The interview includes videos of "The Sweet Part of the City" and "Barely Beathing" for Twofer Tuesday.

DAVID LOWERY of Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven talks to the Chicago Sun-Times about his first solo album, "The Palace Guards," out today, and the business of indie.

SUFJAN STEVENS talks to Pitchfork and the New Zealand Herald about songwriting and his latest LP.


THE CLASH: London Calling is coming to Rock Band 3 in its entirety.  Also, Paste lists the 18 best Clash songs.

CHARLIE SHEEN will be in rehab for the next three months, albeit at home, derailing the next eight episodes of "Two and a Half Men," leaving a grumpy, perhaps unaid, crew. Sheen spent more than 500K on escorts and drugs in the six months before he checked into rehab, according to RadarOnline.

EVA LONGORIA & TONY PARKER finaized their divorce.

SCARLETT JOHANSSON & RYAN REYNOLDS reportedly met for an intimate dinner at The Little Door in West Hollywood.

BRITNEY SPEARS walks down the aisle... as a bridesmaid.

GWYNETH PALTROW doesn't care if you don't like her? She seems to complain about it regularly.

HALLE BERRY says she's preparing to go to court with her ex Gabriel Aubrey over custody of their 2 ½-year-old daughter Nahla.

JAVIER BARDEM has been offered a starring role in the upcoming James Bond film.

JOHN BARRY, one of the all-time great movie composers (including the classic Bond films), has died at age 77. Let's go to the video.

THE 10 BEST NUCLEAR WAR FILMS, according to Screen Junkies. I might have found spots for On the Beach and WarGames.

TERROR in the UK: Rajib Karim, a former employee of British Airways, admitted in court to providing support to terror groups, including producing and distributing a propaganda videotape.

EGYPT's anti-government protesters, scenting victory after President Hosni Mubarak agreed to discuss sweeping political reforms, rallied support for what they hope can be a million-strong march for democracy on Tuesday. Mubarak's exit plan may already be in the works. The Lede continues its updates throughout the day...

PAKISTAN's nuclear arsenal now totals more than 100 deployed weapons, a doubling of its stockpile over the past several years in one of the world's most unstable regions, according to estimates by nongovernment analysts.

DOG in SNOW: Let's go to the slo-mo video.


FERAL CHICKENS have gotten to be such a problem in a part of Polk County, FL, that a team of chicken chasers have been called in to round them up.

ENDANGERED WHALES are entangling themselves in fishing line to have humans get them high.

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