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Holiday Music, The Shins, Elvis Perkins, The DC5, Hindu Dog Weddings   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


AIMEE MANN has a video medley of all of the songs o­n One More Drifter in the Snow.

HOLIDAY MUSIC from various artists is streaming from AOL.

GO ELF YOURSELF: Sylvia Hauser just turned me into a dancing elf, but she must know that turnabout is fair play.

SEASON of the LIST: Even the Times of London now embeds plenty of video for their Songs of the Year. Pitchfork has lists for the Top 50 Albums, plus individual lists, the Top 100 Tracks, plus individual lists, the 25 Worst Album Covers, and the Top 25 Music Videos.

YEAR in REVIEW: Jody Rosen leads a discussion at Slate by calling 2006 "not half bad" for pop music.

FROM THE BASEMENT is a music series that features the most intimate live performances -- available via download o­nly -- of artists like Thom Yorke and The White Stripes. Windows Media folk can preview clips before they buy, though.

MUSIC VIDEO DOWNLOADING: I was recently asked by a Pate fan and reader who is getting his kids MP3 / video players for Christmas about suggestions for safe places to download music videos -- pay or free. Obviously, iPod users have iTunes, which seems to be the leader in video as well as audio. Non-pod people may take a look at signing up for AOL Music Now, though I would check the Terms of Service and use the search engine to see whether it carries what the kids want. MSN used to have a video dl service, but shut it down this month. Some labels -- like Sony -- sell music videos through the Google Video Store, but others -- like Warners -- do not. And while you can find free streaming music videos plenty of places, I did not find any that do free downloads. Of course, some people hack YouTube, which I can't really advocate, being a lawyer and all. But anyone following that last link could figure it out.

THE SHINS have posted a video for "Phantom Limb" from their upcoming album. But if you've never seen them pay tribute to indie cover art in the video for "New Slang," you should watch that, too.

ELVIS PERKINS recently talked to North Carolina's News & Observer about his upcoming debut album, Ash Wednesday. You can stream a couple from his World Cafe gig via NPR.

WOLFGANG'S VAULT, which sells rock T-shirts, pictures and memorabilia such as vintage concert posters and tickets, as well as streaming soundboard recordings collected over 30 years by legendary concert promoter Bill Graham, is being sued by major rock names, including Grateful Dead Productions, Carlos Santana and members of Led Zeppelin and the Doors. The rockers claim their images and material are being exploited without their permission.

STAX is BACK: Concord Music Group is reactivating the imprint after a 30-year-hiatus with new signings, re-issues, and special events. The first new signings to Stax include soul luminary/Stax patriarch Isaac Hayes and vocalist Angie Stone. Concord will also honor the label's 50th year by releasing definitive collections, rare performances and unreleased tracks in deluxe packages.

THE POGUES' Spider Stacy talks to Harp about Shane MacGowan's inebriated but undeniable charisma, which London's Independent reports was on full display at Brixton Academy.

DENIS PAYTON, a multi-instrumentalist for the Dave Clark Five, has died after a long illness at age 63. A few weeks ago the band was nominated for induction to the 2007 American Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame, which must have made him "Glad All Over." BONUS: "Anyway You Want It" and "Do You Love Me."

MISS USA TARA CONNER was not fired by The Donald, but she will be going into rehab. Let's go to the video. Or would you rather just watch the Miss USA 2006 swimsuit competition. Tara is first, so you o­nly have to watch the first minute or so.

BRITNEY SPEARS jumped o­nstage between striptease acts at a Los Angeles burlesque club, and had to be chased off by the manager... twice.

MAD MEL UPDATE: Gibson now calls his anti-Semitic tirade a gift, "because it

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Live REM and Ramones, Bob Mould, The Jam, and Cloned Female Dogs   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


THE MONKEES sing a Christmas medley at MTV, circa 1986. Even Mike Nesmith turned up.

NEW RELEASES: It's pretty much all that hippety-hop stuff at AOL this week. You might want to keep an eye or ear peeled for the Sugarcubes box set or Johnny Cash and June Carter: Live at the Louisiana Hayride.

SEASON of the LIST: Heather Browne and Some Velvet Blog put together a Top 12 albums from 12 bloggers poll. Stylus has started counting down its Top 50. At Chromewaves, Frank has posted a list of albums that deserved more ink than they got in 2006.

RBALLY has posted "unofficial live recordings" from R.E.M. circa 1981 and The Ramones circe 1975. You can jukebox 'em via the HM.

CHILDREN'S INDIE: Jon Langford (Mekons, Waco Bros.) talks a bit more about the Wee Hairy Beasties album with the Belleville News-Democrat: "I'm not a big fan of kids music where adults try to sing as though they were children looking at the world. I thought kids music could be something more than that.''

BOB MOULD'S Workbook is the most recent "Shadow Classic" at NPR, which is streaming three tracks.

THE JAM play "Start!" and "Private Hell" o­n Fridays in July, 1980.

GREG DULLI (Afghan Whigs, Twilight Singers) tells Harp magazine ten things you don't know about him, though o­ne of them is really more about Van Halen.

THE ARCADE FIRE has unveiled "Intervention," the first track from its hotly anticipated new album, Neon Bible, via a pre-recorded telephone message accessible by calling 866-636-6242, extension 7777. Or you can stream it via the HM. BONUS: The band stumbles through "The Christmas Song" and "Jingle Bell Rock."

HOLIDAY MUSIC: Lifehacker shows how to program Pandora for your own personal holiday music stations.

SHANE MacGOWAN has a yule blog for London's Guardian, including a bit o­n the enduring popularity of the Christmas-themed "Fairytale Of New York." Follow that link and you'll find a video link for the song, or you can stream the original audio via the ol' HM.

BRITNEY SPEARS was booed at a L.A. Lakers game when her mug was flashed o­n the Jumbotron, while they cheered the image of someone who looked like Fed-Ex. The pop tart was so upset that she left before halftime. Meanwhile, record producer JR Rotem last spotted spending log evenings with Spears, was snapped sneaking out the back of Teddy's nightclub at the Roosevelt Hotel with actress Bai Ling. And Spears was voted worst celebrity dog owner for 2006 in an o­nline poll readers of two dog magazines.

THE FRENCH HOTEL allegedly told Britain's uber-reliable Daily Star that she will marry o­n-off boyfriend Stavros Niarchos and have Britney Spears as her matron of honor.

MAD MEL UPDATE: The uber-reliable News of the World reports that 29-year-old Australian Carmel Sloane has taken legal action against Mel Gibson to force him to take a paternity test.

TiVO commissioned an unscientific poll of this year's most memorable TV moments. Katie Couric and Mel Gibson top the list.

NO GOODIE BAGS for stars at the Oscars or Golden Globes this year. Blame the IRS and Ed Norton's social conscience, which may be as big as his hair.

LINDSAY LOHAN says she will never pose nude for Playboy, but the actress is currently working the stripper pole hard enough to bruise her upper inner thighs. It's for a movie, natch. She e-mailed pals that she has greater respect for erotic dancers now, though you would not know it from what she calls them in the message.

REESE & RYAN BREAK-UPDATE: Witherspoon is still in regular communication with her estranged hubby and says she's getting out a little more now," but friends deny she's dating anyone, including current co-star Jake Gyllenhaal.

JOHN MAYER continues his bid for Strange New Respect by revealing that he gave permission for "Your Body Is A Wonderland" to be used in an episode of The Office in return for a "Dundie." Pics of the singer-songwriter with "the o­nly award that matters in this business" at the link.

BRADGELINA: Brad Pitt is older than I am. Geezer!

ANNA NICOLE SMITH finally returned to the US without being extradited, in order to participate in mediation over her much-disputed share of her late husband's 1.6 billion estate.

JESSICA ALBA reportedly wants to be skinnier, according to In Touch magazine. The grass is always greener, isn't it?

IRAQ: Maj. Ben Connable writes about the likely effect of US withdrawal. Memos showing that Saddam authorized mustard gas attacks against Kurdish villages were introduced at Saddam's genocide trial. Newsweek reports that the Iraqi economy is strong, even booming in places, calling it "the mother of all surprises." But it's o­nly a surprise to people who rely o­n outlets like Newsweek for news -- I was pointing this out last year, in June, August, October and November, to note but a few occasions. And I have often pointed out that statistics like those in the Newsweek story have long been available to anyone with Internet access, via the Brookings Institution's Iraq Index.

IRANIAN voters have delivered an embarrassing blow to the hard-line government of Pres. Ahmadinejad, by shunning his allies in municipal and clerical elections. Former Pres. Rafsanjani trounced Ahmadinejad's fundamentalist mentor, too. The government had disqualified most of the reformist candidates. And student activists who protested against Ahmadinejad last week have gone into hiding in fear for their lives after his supporters threatened them with revenge.

HATE CRIMES in the UK: Muhammed Abdul Bari, the head of the Muslim Council of Britain, invoked Hitler's 1930s Nazi regime while accusing the British government of stigmatizing Britain's Islamic community and fuelling xenophobia. He also defended the council's decision to boycott Holocaust Memorial Day. Meanwhile, Jewish people are four times more likely to be attacked because of their religion than Muslims, according to figures compiled by the police.

FIRST FEMALE DOGS CLONED by an ex-collaborator of disgraced South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk -- or so he claims.

PYTHON kills it's owner. Overdid the hugging.

COCKFIGHTING suffers a blow in Texas.

AN AUSSIE HORSE is dropping charges of indecency against a woman in New South Wales.

ELEPHANTS: Chicagoland's Brookfield Zoo is bucking animal rights activists and developing plans to go big o­n pachyderms, possibly quintupling the size of its current exhibit. "Elephants are in deep trouble in the wild," Zoo director Stuart Strahl said. "Their resources are shrinking."

OSAMA BIN LADEN has been shot dead triggering protests from those who claim he was the wrong target. Did I mention this is about an elephant?

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The LeeVees, Rare VU, Cheap Trick, Tom Waits, and Sam-I-Am   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, December 18, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


HOW DO YOU SPELL CHANNUKKAHH? The LeeVees try to help with an Electric Company-esque video. NPR also has a streaming feature with founding member Adam Gardner (also of Guster).

SEASON of the LIST: Pitchfork has "best of" lists from Islands, Mastadon, Go! Team, Jens Lekman, The Pipettes, Beck and more. Billboard has the Top ten from their panel of critics, as well as lists from artists including Mike Watt, Robert Pollard, Calexico's Joey Burns and Drive-By Trucker Patterson Hood. The BBC collective has a/v links for their Top Ten. Glide does it's best to link you to the pages for their Top 20. Marathon Packs has a Top 19. And there's an interesting Top Ten at More Cowbell!

THAT RARE VELVET UNDERGROUND ACETATE is back up for auction, with new rules to deter pranksters. Better yet, Ken King notified me that Moistworks recently posted some of the songs from that session, which you can jukebox via the ol' HM.

HARRY NILSSON: Filmmakers John Scheinfeld and David Leaf -- along with composer Van Dyke Parks -- talk to Harp magazine about the documentary Who is Harry Nilsson (and Why is Everybody Talkin

3813 Reads

Solomon Burke, Annuals, Holiday Bin, Cutout Bin, a 7-Legged Deer   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Friday, December 15, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade



...WITH A NICE DAY FOR A... "White Christmas." Ouch.

AHMET ERTEGUN, who co-founded Atlantic Records and helped bring John Coltrane, Big Joe Turner, LaVern Baker, Bobby Darin, Ruth Brown, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Percy Sledge, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, the Bee Gees, the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin -- to name just a few -- to the ears of America and the world, died Tuesday at 83. He slipped into a coma following a head injury suffered as the Stones prepared to play former Pres. Bill Clinton

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New Beirut, Sad Songs, Cliches, Louvin Bros., and 3 Million Bees   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, December 14, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


JOHNNY CASH counts down "The 12 Days of Christmas." I shoulda thought of this yesterday!

A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS has been reissued with bonus alternate takes of several tracks, plus liner notes.

SEASON of the LIST: Metacritic has the 30 Best-Reviewed Albums of the Year, plus year-end critic top ten lists from various music publications. Yeti posted his Yeti Favorite Albums of the Year, along with a Top Ten for social and peer approval. Underrated has the Top 25 Underrated Albums, with songs you can jukebox via the Hype Machine. Berkeley Place is killing music with the Top 20 covers and mash-ups, plus a mess 'o' Stones covers from Drive-By Trucker Patterson Hood -- which you can also jukebox via the HM.

THE RACONTEURS and CAT POWER: Pitchfork will link you to advance QuickTime videos from their Dec. 30th appearances o­n Austin City Limits.

SAD SONGS: British scientists (in collaboration with Nokia) are analyzing their "tune trigger quotient" -- measuring heart rate, respiratory response and skin temperature -- to find the saddest songs, as well as the happiest and most exhilarating songs.

THE BEATLES: There's a video for "Within You Without You/Tomorrow Never Knows" from the LOVE album up at the Fabs' website.

BEIRUT has a new EP coming in January, but you can download "Elephant Gun" for free now, or stream it via the HM.

THE 89 MOST REDUNDANT, REPETITIVE CLICHES in rock music, courtesy of AOL.

THE LOUVIN BROTHERS: An Aquarium Drunkard calls 1960's Satan Is Real "the Rosetta stone of fire and brimstone country gospel." You can stream a couple from the album, along with two takes o­n "The Christian Life" from The Byrds.

LOU REED, talking to The New York Times about 1973's Berlin, which he is performing in full for the first time tonight, manages to call it both a "great" album and "just another o­ne of my albums that didn

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