THE PRIMITONS play "Seeing Is Believing" at an in-store appearance from 1985. Proof positive that the Internet makes the "Where Are They Now?" file bottomless. Background at Trouser Press. NEW RELEASES: Paste will point you to Wednesday, Blondshell and more. BILL'S INDIE BASEMENT has Mudhoney, FACS, and more. ROBYN HITCHCOCK shares three instrumentals. JASON ISBELL shares "They Wait." PETER GABRIEL shares "i/o." J MASCIS: 10 albums that changed his life. THE BEST ALBUMS of 2023 (So Far), according to Vulture. SUSANNA HOFFS, by the book. IAN BAIRNSON, who played guitar on Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights" and performed with the Alan Parsons Project, has died at 69. THE NUMBER ONES looks at Flo Rida & T-Pain's blockbuster club-rap earworm "Low." WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: Super Mario Bros.crushes it with 146.3MM over three days and 204.6MM in the five days since it opened; it will set the worldwide record for an animated debut. You wouldn't have to scroll too many weeks back to find me writing that the studios were leaving money on the table by not putting family films in theaters. Air and Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves virtually tie at approximately 14.5MM; the latter dropped 61 percent in its sophomore frame. TAYLOR SWIFT and Joe Alwyn have called it quits; album to follow. MEGAN FOX & MACHINE GUN KELLY are back together. INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY has a trailer online. STAR WARS: Daisy Ridley will be returning for another movie. JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4 director Chad Stahelski on raising the bar. AMANDA BYNES is still in a mental hospital. TIMOTHEE CHALAMET will sing in the Bob Dylan biopic. JAY-Z is now the last rapper on the Forbes Billionaire List 2023 after Kanye West fell off the list following his departure from Adidas. MICHAEL LERNER, a veteran character actor who received an Oscar nomination for his performance as an overbearing studio head in the 1991 film “Barton Fink,” has died, his nephew, actor Sam Lerner, announced in a post on social media. He was 81. HOW THE LONDON ZOO marked Easter. JUST GET IN THE WATER, will you? A GOLDEN, but dirty dawg.